When I look at the calendar it amazes me that we're already deep into the Christmas season. We've had our first snowstorm of the season and I was rather annoyed with myself--"I can't use my brand new snow blower!!!!" Apparently, one needs to drain the gas and oil, d'uh!, after the final use. How this slipped my mind I'll never know but there it is. So, I spent an invigorating hour with the icy winds blowing at my face while the rest of me was working up a sweat :)
I've been thinking about where I was at the start of 2010 and where I am now. I've accomplished quite a few of things that I wanted to including (insert drum roll here)cleaning up my basement!!! I managed to give away quite a lot of household goods, threw out a lot of old cans--apparently they don't have as long a shelf-life as I'd thought ;) and recycled several boxes of old magazines. I also made space for a corner of my basement and have turned it into a workout zone complete with television and stereo to keep me moving to the beat!
I'm trying to read a book a week. That's slowed down a bit because of the holidays but I'll hope to pick that up again. My biggest goal for 2011 is landing that teaching job! I must admit to having doubted myself and my teaching ability due to the poor job environment. I've now opened myself up to moving from my lifelong home and am excited for what may happen. In my cleanup, I came across an old box of work from grade school. In it was a large sheet of chart paper that my 3rd grade teacher had written on with my "bio". The final sentence proclaimed that when I grew up, I wanted to be a teacher, and indeed I do. I'm excited about taking another online course too which will give me my qualifications for teaching history.
All in all, the year is shaping up as a good one but I am sure 2011 will be even better!