Thanks to those of you who left comments!
I've spent most of my time reading children's books over the past year and must say that there are some awesome ones out there. If only I had the money to buy some! But, that's what libraries are for and I have been using mine to the max.
Some of my favourites are The Librarian of Basra, Something Beatiful, Winston the Book Wolf, and a beautiful edition of Henny Penny. I was teaching a grade one/two split for the past month and the kids absolutely adore reading. Can't tell you how much that excites me! Reading was always a pleasure for me and as a teacher that is something I want to instil in the kids who cross my path. It shouldn't be work--it should be fun!
The book club I joined this past winter has been moving along without me :(
I've been much too busy but now I have the time. They are reading Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I'm still waiting for a copy from the library.
Anyone out there reading something good? Pass it along and let's share!